How to Create Content that is Valuable for The Internet

Zeeshan Contractor
5 min readFeb 12, 2021
Picture by @benjaminsweet

Valuable Content is something that inspires your reader, viewer, consumer to take action!

Action that is tangible!

But the only way to inspire them into taking tangible action is to make them feel something.

I’ll use the example of two of my favorite Instagram accounts to explain the pointer deeply:

Example One: Know This Mind (Insta Head Count — 334K)

Know This Mind is about an ever growing collection of well thought out highly conceptual pictures taken by photographers from around the world. These images are so thought provoking, they grab your attention for just long enough to make you wanna try out photography yourself or better yet, exist in one of these psychedelic frames.

This is one of the greatest examples of how a community is built!

Instead of generating original content on your own, you inspire like minded folks to share their content with you to be uploaded and revealed to the internet via your digital voice.

Now ofcourse, this is not the only way to make someone feel something. There are countless other possibilities for you to use, but the most genuine way to do it is by educating and entertaining your audience at the same time, with more emphasis on the educating part.

When you speak to your audience with the right content, they’ll be hooked! They’ll begin to consume something that teaches them useful and new things to be implemented tangibly in their life and work. They’ll be entertained and onboard for more.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou, poet and civil rights activist

Example Two: Foundr (Insta Head Count — 2.9M)

Foundr teaches people how to think like an entrepreneur, build productive habits and eventually become one!

Foundr regularly shares content about entrepreneurship advice and conducts interviews of various entrepreneurs covering how they built successful startups, scaling them up to 6 figures and beyond. So the kind of people following Foundr are into learning how to build a business and successfully run it!

Comparing the two Instagram accounts, Foundr is more “Follow Worthy” with an audience that is willing to learn through quick and free content, eventually willing to pay for the more exclusive content that gives them more value over free content via paid courses.

The defining element between the two accounts is that Know This Mind isn’t really interested in teaching anyone anything. It’s strategy is to build an audience that is psychologically mesmerized by thought provoking content, who will eventually be led to the account’s YouTube channel and from there, it’s business model is to perhaps offer paid music which again doesn’t really teaches anyone anything.

Foundr on the other hand is in the game of teaching people how the world of entrepreneurs work, how to think like them, how to act like them. Down to the core, it’s about how to build wealth and keep on multiplying it!

So is teaching someone something new is the most effective and genuine strategy to create valuable content?

Absolutely Yes!

It’s because this strategy is about giving selflessly. When you begin to give selflessly, you begin to mature, become wiser and grow in your abilities to lead and create an environment where others can grow because of you and with you. When this happens, you’ll be at the forefront of the curve and people will begin to pay you to remain at the forefront. People need someone to be in that spot, they need someone who can continuously guide them, someone they can turn to when they’re in distress and when you’re at the forefront, the world would be happily onboard to give you your worth and more.

So how do you create valuable content? How do you create something that teaches and educates at the same time?

Before you understand how to create valuable content, you need to understand how to filter down to a specific niche. For example, the writers community. There are a lot of different categories of writers in the world, some aspire to be book writers, some to be news writers, some to be screenplay writers and so on.

If you’re a writer with proven understanding of how to write well in any one of the writing niches, then pick one and begin to write just for them.

Help them understand how to master the basics, how to become a pro and how to eventually monetize their skill set. Your niche will be unable to turn away from what you have to say and be onboard for more every time you upload something.

If you can initiate uploading content for a super targeted niche and genuinely guide them without thinking about quick returns, you’ll be able to build an army of your own followers and monetize your digital self through various mediums that you and I will be chatting about in a future blog here.

Similarly, this blog here is to help content creators understand how to create valuable content, but there are so many different kinds of content creators on the internet. Some are filmmakers, some graphic designers, some fellow blog writers and so on.

So whom am I speaking to? Whom am I uploading my content for?

This was very challenging to filter down to a super targeted niche but there was no way around it. This blog exists on the internet to inspire content creators of all niches to create their own digital presence and start uploading valuable content for their own super targeted niche. My niche is the group of people who want to grow on the internet, but don’t understand that the only way to grow on the internet is by understanding how to grow in life. You begin to grow in life when you begin to learn new and powerful stuff! And once you have the learnings, the only way to grow beyond your learnings is to teach others the same valuable stuff. Keep on repeating the cycle and you’ll grow into an infinite version of your digital self!

If you’re an aspiring content creator, struggling with what to upload on the internet, then you’re gonna find something valuable here to teach yourself into knowing what to upload. You’ll finally understand what is valuable content and how to create it.

To get a reminder the next time I upload something here, hit the follow button.

Until then, this is Mr. Zeecon, in the making of a great story!

