My Hardcore Addiction to Chai

Mr. Zeecon
3 min readAug 31, 2024


There’s a running joke among my friends and family that my blood is probably 50% chai by now. And honestly, they might not be wrong. My love affair with chai isn’t new, but ever since I embarked on my career as a marketer, it’s become a full-blown addiction. I’ve tried to cut back, really, I have. But let’s be real: when life gives you stress, deadlines, and back-to-back meetings, you make chai. Lots and lots of chai.

The Origins of My Chai Love Affair

Chai and I go way back. Growing up, the smell of freshly brewed tea leaves mixed with spices like cardamom, ginger, and cloves was a staple in my household. It was more than just a drink; it was a ritual. Mornings started with a cup of steaming hot chai, and evenings wound down with the same comforting brew. It was a family tradition, a sign of comfort and home.

But what was once a casual love affair has intensified into something more serious since I took up the fast-paced life of a marketer.

Marketing: A Career Fueled by Caffeine

Marketing isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. The constant brainstorming sessions, the pressure of coming up with the next big idea, and the never-ending to-do lists can be exhausting. And what’s the one thing that seems to make everything better, clearer, and more manageable? You guessed it: chai.

For every campaign launch, there’s a cup of chai. For every client pitch, another one. Every time I need to focus on creating a new strategy or pulling off a successful social media plan, I find myself reaching for that comforting cup. It’s almost like my creativity flows better with every sip. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.

Attempts to Break Free

I know what you’re thinking: “Why not just cut back?” Trust me, I’ve tried. I’ve tried switching to green tea, convincing myself that it’s just as energizing (it’s not). I’ve tried drinking more water, hoping it would fill the chai-shaped void in my heart (it didn’t). I’ve even gone cold turkey, which resulted in a grumpy, caffeine-deprived version of myself that no one wanted to be around.

But here’s the thing: chai isn’t just about caffeine for me. It’s a moment of calm in the storm, a warm hug in a cup, a few minutes of peace amid the chaos of a busy day. It’s the one constant I can count on when everything else is swirling around me at a million miles an hour.

Embracing the Addiction

So, I’ve made peace with my chai addiction — for now. I figure if I’m going to be hooked on something, it might as well be something that brings me so much joy. Until I find a permanent solution (or until a miracle chai substitute is invented), I’m going to enjoy every single cup.

Maybe one day, I’ll find a way to cut back. Maybe I’ll discover some new miracle drink that gives me the same sense of comfort and clarity. But until then, you’ll find me with a cup of chai in my hand, ready to tackle whatever the marketing world throws at me next. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

After all, life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures. And for me, that pleasure just happens to be a perfectly brewed cup of chai. So here’s to embracing our addictions — at least the harmless ones — and enjoying every moment of it.

Cheers to chai, the unsung hero of my marketing journey. 🫖

